Just a few steps to plan your content strategy

When it comes to developing a content, you actually have no idea what will hit the audience’s eye and there is no guarantee if your content will become a trend or not. There are a few people involved in the entire process like who creates the content  and the final judge which are the readers. The audience or the reader has no idea about the process that goes on behind the scene while the content was being created, all that matters is the end product and final result.

Content needs to pass through strategy, planning, communication, and access to  resources. If you forget any of these steps the end product will be a failure.

Listed below are a few easy steps that can help in coordinating a better content and a content strategy:

  • Drafting a precise and clear strategy: Content is the medium of communication that businesses utilize to reach their customers. This means you need to have a clear picture of your audience. Ultimately it begins with having a demographic idea of your customer behavior that includes an idea of their age, gender, profession, geographic location, interests, web use and consumption patterns. This can be easily analyzed using tools like Twitter Analytics, Google Analytics and Facebook Audience Insights.

Once you have a clear picture of your customer’s behavior you can customize the content to suit their patterns, interests and consumption. Now you can create the custom content pattern according to what they buy and look at. Conduct a keyword research in Google based on what your customers are searching for and also the Social Sentiment Analysis will give you an idea of what your user thinks about a topic.

Merely, getting all these factors is not the final answer but you need to set up an analysis funnel where in you can decide what are your needs.

  • Editorial calendar: Once you have a strategy charted out you need to have a proper  plan or strategy for your content. Draft out an editorial calendar that will help you to organize your tasks accordingly.

You can set deadlines for each activity such as initial drafts, editing, proof reading and publishing. The content workflow tool helps to view the content via a color-coded calendar which will provide you with a better view of your content. Google Calendars are a good option which will help you to choose and decide when you want to share your blog or post your content.

  • Leveraging content workflow: Obtain a content workflow tool that exhibits the following features:
  1. Content Strategy integration
  2. Real time editing
  3. Editorial calendars
  4. Status tracking
  5. Integrating with an external writer
  6. Team analysis
  7. Publishing integration
  8. Social media syndication

You need to have a content that should meet up with the audience requirements which will ensure a better ROI and success of your business.

We provide SEO for website visibility, you can visit our site at www.bishopwebworks.com for further details. Please give us a call or send us an email. Remember there are no stupid questions especially when it comes to Search Engine Optimization. We look forward to hearing from you.



Dave Bishop


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